A new Sinclair Lewis is assured a large advance. But this seems less likely to sustain his record after publication than his usual dependably human novels. There's too much of the political pamphleteer -- satirically, of course -- and too little of the favorite weaknesses that endear even our enemies to us in fiction. In other words, his characters strut upon his stage, wearing the props he decrees for them, but they do not seem to come alive, and one cannot stir up any strong partisanship, but would wish the whole lot of them in the Dead Sea. He depicts, in 1936, the success of an American equivalent of Fascism and Nazism on a huge scale; he satirizes politicians, Rotarians, all sorts of public speakers, radio idols of the inspirational school, and the small community class conscious underdogs. The central character is a small town Vermont liberal, old school, who tries to stand up for his beliefs and gets his deserts in the new administration. One can count on Lewis for clever dialogue and amusing situations, pregnant with the undercurrent of whatever hobby he is astride at the moment, but this book is, frankly, pretty heavy sledding much of the time. Buy soundly for the immediate sale; watch your turnover for reorders. Will be backed by generous advertising appropriations, and the usual posters, etc.