Timely and good journalese, this has the immediacy of current reporting, backgrounded by thorough knowledge gained as police reporter for the Herald-Tribune during the recent police investigation in Brooklyn. The current crime and corruption investigations by the Kefauver committee caught the public imagination. This was one of its side issues, dealing with the activities of 29 young policemen brought together in an investigation of the gambling rings, horse racing, numbers, sports. The expose of the basketball fix has had wider implications than first indicated. The extent of bribery within the New York police force was another revelation. Arm is frank in blaming some of this on the low pay level of the police force. As do all crime investigations, this makes good reading, as Arm, in vigorous style, cross sections activities from dollar at the corner diner, to the millions raked in by Joe Adonis. If the public isn't aturated this should find a market. The sale of the Kefauver book has proved a disappointment. So watch it- and don't plunge.