The well known job counselor reveals his concern for both employer and employee in a book mainly directed to people on the lookout for a new position but also of possible value to personnel men and managers. First there comes the question of the reason for restiveness -- is the employee sure it's the job that troubles him? A once-over of the ""boss's-eye view"" and of what you can expect from a job -- what it should give you -- makes the decision. The problem of jumping up or out is discussed. Once the decision is made, there are first steps in preparation, the job search, the vital interview . A new job landed, the first week is reviewed as a test period. Mr. Lowen goes on to the problems of women in a man's business world (this chapter seemed a bit weaker than the rest, with less new material), the special problems of the executive, and the hope of new frontiers ahead. Positive and concrete with potentials of employer-employee market.