The hows, whens, wheres, and whys of the webs spun by various spiders are set to verse in this Australian import, accompanied by full-color watercolor and gouache paintings of each arachnid and its type of web. Spiderwebs are likened to the sails of a galleon and upside-down rainbows painted in dew; spinning spiders are depicted in winter and moonlight, in holes that are stuffy, or cradled in trees. Webs trap insects, hold air, and provide a haven from heat, and they offer ""A girl to the world/A girl to our souls."" Slight on information, each poem seeks readers who would probably marvel at these spider architects unprompted. Each type of spider is handsomely drawn, yet unidentified until the guide at the back of the book matches common names, Latin names, worldwide range, and brief characteristics with corresponding spider cousins. The humdrum verse falls prey to rhymes such as ""gaily unfold"" and ""palettes of gold,"" ""wintry winds blow"" and ""spring's gentle glow,"" creating a monotonous tempo at odds with the extraordinary creatures each poem extols, further exalted in the art.