A ""revolutionary""- at any rate very different- approach to weight loss is based on this doctor's personal experience (he...



A ""revolutionary""- at any rate very different- approach to weight loss is based on this doctor's personal experience (he dropped 65 of his 265 poundage) and his professional knowledge of the body's chemistry and metabolic factors. From Stefansson's observations of the research pursued by two doctors- and concluded that you can eat fat and grow thin control the character of fat itself. Not all fats are equal, and there are tablets to the various foods- their carbohydrate and type of fat content, so that you can select your own foods accordingly. There are also a few additional recipies. Dr. Taller believen that 95% of those who are overweight can be helpad (not the ) and there are always many hungry people among them anxious for a new type of diet and a less rigorous regimen, or so it seems.

Pub Date: Sept. 27, 1961


Page Count: -

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Sept. 1, 1961

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