Faith and religion are just not the same thing as even a cursory glance at the current American scene will demonstrate. Five...



Faith and religion are just not the same thing as even a cursory glance at the current American scene will demonstrate. Five modern thinkers have dealt with the relationship between these two factors, but in radically different ways. Dr. Ebersole examines what Erich Fro Friedrich Schleiermacher, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Karl Barth and Reinhold Neibuhr have each said concerning the relationship of faith and religion. Along the way he mentions other contributions to thought which these thinkers have stimulated. Finally he has his own chapter of evaluation, wherein he points toward the trail blazed by Niebuhr as saying most accurately how we can resolve the dilemma presented to use when ""religious"" people seem to lack faith, and when believers can sometimes seem so lacking in religion. The subject matter is not easy, but this is good clean writing which any educated man can understand, and clergymen of all Churches can read with profit, if only for the excellent summaries made by Dr. Ebersole of the basic thinking of these five influential men.

Pub Date: N/A


Page Count: -

Publisher: Crowell

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: June 15, 1961

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