Italian diplomat Pietro Quaroni spent more than forty years in the formal, enigmatic, equivocal world of the foreign...



Italian diplomat Pietro Quaroni spent more than forty years in the formal, enigmatic, equivocal world of the foreign service. From his attache case, these memo-mementoes of the men in power he met, once or more than once: in Russia, anarchist Makhno, Litvinov, Beria, Stalin (who believed in the collective but denied it by exerting the power of the individual), Trotsky, Vishinsky; in Albania where he spent some years, King Zog, his retinue, his regime; from around the world, General Pershing, Tito, Bevin, Weizmann; a Conference attended, a speech given, etc. Quaroni is a quiet, cosmopolitan commentator and he moves easily in and out of Embassies. Still, no one is introduced for more than six or seven pages, so that these ""memoirs"" are of fractional value, particularly at this price.

Pub Date: Oct. 21, 1966


Page Count: -

Publisher: David White

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Oct. 1, 1966

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