All reviews acquired through the Kirkus Indie program must be published in their entirety on before any portion of the reviews are published (online or in print) for any use. To publish your Indie review on, please email with a notice of your permission. Kirkus will publish the review at no extra cost to you and send you a link to your review on our website via email. If you choose to publish your review on, Kirkus reserves the right to promote, publish and distribute it without limitation. Please note that if Kirkus does not receive permission to publish your review on, it will be kept private.

All excerpts must be attributed to “Kirkus Reviews” in italics, and industry standard best practices for proper excerpting must be followed. These practices include, but are not limited to, the following guidelines:

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Examples of proper excerpts and attributions:

“An engrossing, haunting story about making up for lost time.” — Kirkus Reviews

“A wonderfully written, provocative novel that utilizes two distinct genres to promote progressive cultural messages.” — Kirkus Reviews

If your book earned a Kirkus Star, you may designate the award by adding “(starred review)” in parentheses behind “Kirkus Reviews.”

Examples of proper attribution of a starred review:

“A powerful saga of love and survival.” — Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

“Powered by relentless pacing and jaw-dropping plot twists throughout, Bannon's debut novel is a science-fiction thriller of the highest order . . . In a word: mind-blowing.” — Kirkus Reviews (starred review)


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