Readers are snapping up books by and about Vice President-elect Kamala Harris after the presidential election was called Saturday by news organizations, the Associated Press reports.

As of Monday morning, Harris’ children’s book Superheroes Are Everywhere was the No. 6 bestselling book on Amazon, with her memoir, The Truths We Hold: An American Journey following at No. 12. Both books were published last year.

Two children’s books inspired by the California senator also made the list: Kamala and Maya’s Big Idea, written by her niece, Meena Harris, at No. 11, and Kamala Harris: Rooted in Justice, written by Nikki Grimes and illustrated by Laura Freeman, at No. 27.

With the exception of Harris’ memoir, all of the books were listed as backordered on Amazon.

Harris isn’t the only politico to hit the best seller charts. Former President Barack Obama held the No. 5 spot for his eagerly anticipated memoir, A Promised Land, which is slated for publication next Tuesday. And his wife Michelle’s Becoming made the list at No. 49.

Also making the Amazon best seller list, at No. 32, was Lead From the Outside: How to Build Your Future and Make Real Change by Stacey Abrams, the former minority leader of the Georgia state House of Representatives. Many Democrats credit Abrams’ voter outreach efforts for Biden’s apparent victory in the Peach State.

Michael Schaub is a Texas-based journalist and regular contributor to NPR.